Problem: Hotel Room

A hotel offers two types of rooms: studio and apartment. Prices are in Bulgarian levs (BGN / lv).

Write a program that calculates the price of the whole stay for a studio and apartment. Prices depend on the month of the stay:

May and October June and September July and August
Studio – 50 BGN/per night Studio – 75.20 BGN/per night Studio – 76 BGN/per night
Apartment – 65 BGN/per night Apartment – 68.70 BGN/per night Apartment – 77 BGN/per night

The following discounts are also offered:

  • For a studio, in case of more than 7 stays in May and October: 5% discount.
  • For a studio, in case of more than 14 stays in May and October: 30% discount.
  • For a studio, in case of more than 14 stays in June and September: 20% discount.
  • For an apartment, in case of more than 14 stays, no limitation regarding the month: 10% discount.

Input Data

The input data is read from the console and contains exactly two lines:

  • The first line contains the monthMay, June, July, August, September or October.
  • The second line is the number of staysinteger within the range [0 … 200].

Output Data

Print the following two lines on the console:

  • On the first line: "Apartment: { price for the whole stay } lv."
  • On the second line: "Studio: { price for the whole stay } lv."

The price for the whole stay must be formatted up to two symbols after the decimal point.

Sample Input and Output

Input Output Comments
Apartment: 877.50 lv.
Studio: 525.00 lv.
In May, in case of more than 14 stays, the discount for a studio is 30% (50 - 15 = 35), and for the apartment is 10% (65 - 6.5 = 58.5).
The whole stay in the apartment: 877.50 lv.
The whole stay in the studio: 525.00 lv.
Input Output
Apartment: 961.80 lv.
Studio: 1052.80 lv.
Apartment: 1386.00 lv.
Studio: 1520.00 lv.

Hints and Guidelines

We will read the input data and do the calculations according to the provided price list and the discount rules, and finally print the result.

Processing the Input Data

According to the task requirements we expect to read two lines of input data: the month in which the stay is planned (first line), and the number of stays (second line).

Let's process and store the input data in the appropriate parameters:

Creating Helper Variables

Now let's create and initialize the variables needed for the calculations:

When doing an additional analysis of the requirements, we understand that our main logic depends on what month is passed and what is the number of stays.

In general, there are different approaches and ways to apply the above conditions, but let's examine a basic switch-case conditional statement, as in the individual case blocks we will use if and if-else conditional statements.

Calculating Prices for Stay in May and October

Let's start with the first group of months: May and October. For these two months the price for stay is the same for both types of accommodation – in a studio or in an apartment. Therefore, the only thing that remains is to apply an internal condition regarding the number of stays and recalculate the relevant price (if needed).

Calculating Prices for Stay in June, September, July and August

To some extent, the logic and calculations will be identical for the following months.

Formatting the Output Data

After calculating the relevant prices and the total amount for the stay, now let's prepare the formatted result. Before that, we should store it in our output parametersstudioInfo and apartmentInfo.

In order to calculate the output parameters, we will use the decimal.Round(Decimal, Int32) method. This method rounds the decimal number up to a specified number of characters after the decimal point. In our case, we will round the decimal number up to 2 digits after the decimal point.

Printing the Result

Finally, what remains is to print the calculated results on the console.

Testing in the Judge System

Test your solution here:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""